
canopy(scipy,numpy) 설치방법 공학계산기 리눅스용

Naan 2013. 5. 28. 11:07

자신이 원하는 버전으로 다운받으고 설치 하면 된다. (리눅스 기준설명)

#chmod 755


Welcome to the Canopy 1.0.0 installer!

To continue the installation, you must review and approve the license term


Press Enter to continue

>>> [엔터]

약관에 대해서 블라블라 적혀 있고

Do you approve the license terms? [yes|no]

[no] >>>  yes [엔터[

Canopy will be installed to this location:


  * Press Enter to accept this location

  * Press CTRL-C to abort

  * or specify an alternate location.  Please ensure that your location

    contains only ASCII letters, numbers and the following punctuation

    chars: '.', '_', '-'

[/home/Canopy] >>> 

설치 경로를 변경하려면 수정 아니면 그냥 엔터

Installing to /home/Canopy ... please wait


    As the last step, you should edit your .bashrc or prepend
    the Canopy install path:


    to the 'PATH' environment variable.

    You can run the Canopy graphical environment by running the script:


    or by selecting 'Canopy' in you Applications menu.

    Thank you for installing Canopy!

설치 끝
#import scipy 실행
