# yum install epel-release -y
# yum install memcached -y
# yum install ReviewBoard -y
# yum install mysql -y
# vi /etc/my.cnf
# mysql -u root -p
mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE reviewboard CHARACTER SET utf8;
mysql> CREATE USER 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON reviewboard.* to 'myuser'@'localhost';
# rb-site install /var/www/my.codereview.com
# rb-site install /var/www/my.codereview.com
* Welcome to the Review Board site installation wizard
This will prepare a Review Board site installation in:
We need to know a few things before we can prepare your site for
installation. This will only take a few minutes.
* What's the host name for this site?
This should be the fully-qualified host name without the http://,
port or path.
Domain Name: my.codereview.com
* What URL path points to Review Board?
Typically, Review Board exists at the root of a URL. For example,
http://reviews.example.com/. In this case, you would specify "/".
However, if you want to listen to, say,
http://example.com/reviews/, you can specify "/reviews/".
Note that this is the path relative to the domain and should not
include the domain name.
The default is /
Root Path [/]:
* What database type will you be using?
You can type either the name or the number from the list below.
(1) mysql
(2) postgresql
(3) sqlite3 (not supported for production use)
선택을 1번을 하고 위에 설정한 mysql 정보 입력 db 설정이 귀찮다면 그냥 3번 선택
Database Type: 3
* Determining database file path
The sqlite database file will be stored in
If you are migrating from an existing installation, you can move
your existing database there, or edit settings_local.py to point
to your old location.
* What memcached host should be used?
This is in the format of hostname:port
The default is localhost:11211
Memcache Server [localhost:11211]: ip:80
* Create an administrator account
To configure Review Board, you'll need an administrator account.
It is advised to have one administrator and then use that account
to grant administrator permissions to your personal user account.
If you plan to use NIS or LDAP, use an account name other than
your NIS/LDAP account so as to prevent conflicts.
The default is admin
Username [admin]: admin
Confirm Password:
E-Mail Address: test@test.com
Company/Organization Name (optional):
* Enable collection of data for better support
We would like to periodically collect data and statistics about
your installation to provide a better support experience for you
and your users.
The data collected includes basic information such as your company
name, the version of Review Board, and the size of your install.
It does NOT include confidential data such as source code. Data
collected never leaves our server and is never given to any third
parties for any purposes.
We use this to provide a user support page that's more specific to
your server. We also use it to determine which versions to
continue to support, and to help track how upgrades affect our
number of bug reports and support incidents.
You can choose to turn this off at any time in Support Settings in
Review Board.
Allow us to collect support data? [Y/n]: y
* Installing the site...
Building site directories ... OK
Building site configuration files ... OK
Creating database ... Creating tables ...
Creating table django_admin_log
Creating table auth_permission
Creating table auth_group_permissions
Creating table auth_group
Creating table auth_user_groups
Creating table auth_user_user_permissions
Creating table auth_user
Creating table django_content_type
Creating table django_site
Creating table django_session
Creating table extensions_registeredextension
Creating table siteconfig_siteconfiguration
Creating table accounts_reviewrequestvisit
Creating table accounts_profile_starred_review_requests
Creating table accounts_profile_starred_groups
Creating table accounts_profile
Creating table accounts_localsiteprofile
Creating table accounts_trophy
Creating table attachments_fileattachmenthistory
Creating table attachments_fileattachment
Creating table changedescs_changedescription
Creating table diffviewer_filediffdata
Creating table diffviewer_rawfilediffdata
Creating table diffviewer_filediff
Creating table diffviewer_diffset
Creating table diffviewer_diffsethistory
Creating table hostingsvcs_hostingserviceaccount
Creating table notifications_webhooktarget_repositories
Creating table notifications_webhooktarget
Creating table reviews_group_users
Creating table reviews_group
Creating table reviews_defaultreviewer_repository
Creating table reviews_defaultreviewer_people
Creating table reviews_defaultreviewer_groups
Creating table reviews_defaultreviewer
Creating table reviews_comment
Creating table reviews_fileattachmentcomment
Creating table reviews_screenshot
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_changedescs
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_target_people
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_inactive_screenshots
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_screenshots
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_depends_on
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_inactive_file_attachments
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_file_attachment_histories
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_target_groups
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest_file_attachments
Creating table reviews_reviewrequest
Creating table reviews_screenshotcomment
Creating table reviews_review_file_attachment_comments
Creating table reviews_review_comments
Creating table reviews_review_screenshot_comments
Creating table reviews_review
Creating table reviews_reviewrequestdraft_target_people
Creating table reviews_reviewrequestdraft_depends_on
Creating table reviews_reviewrequestdraft_file_attachments
Creating table reviews_reviewrequestdraft_screenshots
Creating table reviews_reviewrequestdraft_inactive_screenshots
Creating table reviews_reviewrequestdraft_inactive_file_attachments
Creating table reviews_reviewrequestdraft_target_groups
Creating table reviews_reviewrequestdraft
Creating table scmtools_tool
Creating table scmtools_repository_review_groups
Creating table scmtools_repository_users
Creating table scmtools_repository
Creating table site_localsite_users
Creating table site_localsite_admins
Creating table site_localsite
Creating table webapi_webapitoken
Creating table django_project_version
Creating table django_evolution
Registering new SCM Tool Subversion (reviewboard.scmtools.svn.SVNTool) in database
Registering new SCM Tool Git (reviewboard.scmtools.git.GitTool) in database
Registering new SCM Tool Bazaar (reviewboard.scmtools.bzr.BZRTool) in database
Registering new SCM Tool CVS (reviewboard.scmtools.cvs.CVSTool) in database
Registering new SCM Tool Perforce (reviewboard.scmtools.perforce.PerforceTool) in database
Registering new SCM Tool Plastic SCM (reviewboard.scmtools.plastic.PlasticTool) in database
Registering new SCM Tool ClearCase (reviewboard.scmtools.clearcase.ClearCaseTool) in database
Registering new SCM Tool Mercurial (reviewboard.scmtools.hg.HgTool) in database
Installing baseline version
Evolutions in auth baseline: auth_delete_message, auth_unique_together_baseline
Evolutions in contenttypes baseline: contenttypes_unique_together_baseline
Evolutions in sessions baseline: session_expire_date_db_index
Evolutions in accounts baseline: is_private, timezone, open_an_issue, extra_data, timezone_length_30, localsiteprofile_permissions, unique_together_baseline, profile_show_closed, profile_should_send_email, profile_should_send_own_updates, profile_default_use_rich_text, reviewrequestvisit_visibility
Evolutions in attachments baseline: file_attachment_orig_filename, file_attachment_file_max_length_512, file_attachment_repo_info, file_attachment_repo_path_no_index, file_attachment_repo_revision_max_length_64, file_attachment_revision
Evolutions in changedescs baseline: rich_text
Evolutions in diffviewer baseline: add_parent_diffs, filediff_filenames_1024_chars, diffset_basedir, filediff_status, add_diff_hash, diffsethistory_diff_updated, filediffdata_line_counts, diffset_base_commit_id, filediffdata_extra_data, all_extra_data, raw_diff_file_data
Evolutions in hostingsvcs baseline: account_hosting_url, account_hosting_url_max_length_255, account_unique_together_baseline
Evolutions in notifications baseline: webhooktarget_extra_state, webhooktarget_extra_data_null
Evolutions in reviews baseline: change_descriptions, last_review_timestamp, shipit_count, default_reviewer_repositories, null_repository, localsite, group_incoming_request_count, group_invite_only, group_visible, default_reviewer_local_site, add_issues_to_comments, file_attachments, file_attachment_comment_extra_data, review_request_last_review_activity_timestamp, review_request_depends_on, commit_id, file_attachment_comment_diff_id, rich_text, base_comment_extra_data, unique_together_baseline, extra_data, review_request_issue_counts, group_mailing_list_charfield, review_request_draft_commit_id, group_email_list_only, review_request_file_attachment_histories, review_request_summary_index, review_request_summary_index_manual, split_rich_text, is_default_group
Evolutions in scmtools baseline: bugzilla_url_charfield, repository_raw_file_url, repository_visible, repository_path_length_255, localsite, repository_access_control, group_site, repository_hosting_accounts, repository_extra_data_null, unique_together_baseline, repository_archive, repository_hooks_uuid, repository_raw_password
Evolutions in site baseline: localsite_public
Evolutions in webapi baseline: webapitoken_jsonfield_null
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
Performing migrations ... No evolution required.
Creating administrator account ... OK
Saving site settings ... Saving site /var/www/my.codereview.com to the sitelist /etc/reviewboard/sites
Setting up support ... OK
* The site has been installed
The site has been installed in /var/www/my.codereview.com
Sample configuration files for web servers and cron are available
in the conf/ directory.
You need to modify the ownership of the following directories and
their contents to be owned by the web server:
* /var/www/my.codereview.com/htdocs/media/uploaded
* /var/www/my.codereview.com/htdocs/media/ext
* /var/www/my.codereview.com/htdocs/static/ext
* /var/www/my.codereview.com/data
For more information, visit:
* Get more out of Review Board
To enable PDF document review, enhanced scalability, GitHub
Enterprise support, and more, download Power Pack at:
Your install key for Power Pack is:
Support contracts for Review Board are also available:
# service httpd restart
http://localhost:80 하면 접속이 된다.
-- 혹시 접속에 문제가 있다면
# setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail 1
# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_memcache 1
# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1
# setsebool -P httpd_unified 1
# setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_ldap 1
-- 접속 포트를 변경 하고 싶다면
#vi /var/www/my.codereview.com/conf/settings_local.py
# Cache backend settings.
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
'LOCATION': 'localhost:80', ---> 수정
-- 접속하는데 아래와 같이 메세지가 뜬다면
[Review Board] ERROR: Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'localhost'.You may need to add u'localhost' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.
#vi /var/www/my.codereview.com/conf/settings_local.py
로 수정
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